11th of February 2023: Crossword contest: how much do you know about women astronomers?
As in previous years, to celebrate the 11th of February we have prepared an international initiative together with the Athena Community Office, the Athena/X-IFU and Athena/WFI consortia and the AHEAD2020 project launching a call for a Women Astronomers Crossword contest.
This contest is open to anyone who wants to participate. The crossword will be published on websites and social media of the above mentioned projects with the hashtag #2023AstroWomenXword. The solved crossword puzzles should be sent before February 13th, 2023 to the email: xmmathena@gmail.com . They must never be uploaded to social media after they have been solved.
Contest Rules:
* The submission of Crossword starts with this publication and ends on February 13th, 2023.
* Participants: everyone can submit their Crossword.
* How to participate: once you have solved the crossword puzzle you have to send it to the e-mail xmmathena@gmail.com
You should never publish it on social media once you have solved it.
* About the crossword: The crossword will be accompanied by definitions for every column and row, on a separate sheet, so that it can be completed. To complete it you will need to write
NAME SURNAME of the women astronomers.
* Selection: the winner selection will be done by draw, among all the correct answers. It will be final and it cannot be reconsidered. The result will be published on February 15th , 2023 through the projects/consortia communication channels.
* Prize: the winner will receive a merchandising pack of the projects and public recognition of the author’s ingenuity with the publication of the winner (submission name) on social media and the websites of the different projects involved on the 11th of February activity.
Personal data like address or email will not be published in any case and they will only be used to contact the winner.
* Copyright: The projects will have the right to use the submitted Crossword for its communication activities. Participation in this contest implies the acceptance of all these contest rules.
Crossword download: