Participation in the science party at IRAP: lecture by Natalie Webb, “Searching for black holes”

On Saturday 15 October, IRAP, together with the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, organised its open house as part of the fête de la science. This event was aimed at the general public and the objective was to discover IRAP’s themes and projects, but also to encourage young people to become scientists. The day’s programme included workshops, visits to the laboratory and lectures. There was also the possibility to visit our site at the Pic du Midi.

Natalie WEBB, as principal investigator of XMM2ATHENA, gave a lecture on the project, entitled “Searching for black holes”.

The day was a success, the public was very interested in the different activities proposed; many questions and interactions. On the whole day, the two sites gathered around 1,300 people! We hope to be able to participate in the event again next year to present the progress of the work.