These are the activities carried out by XMM2ATHENA scientists during the Science Week.
Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory (ObAS) activities
The astronomical observatory is participating this year in two Science Villages (more info: (only French) ).

The first was held on the Cronenbourg Campus, open to the public on the occasion of its 60th anniversary. The main astronomical studies were presented using the Aladin software, developed by the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre. There were also small crafts to make your own paper celestial globe.

The observatory was also present at a Science Village at an altitude of 1000 metres, on the Champ du Feu site, with the Planetarium of the Jardin des Sciences and the amateur astronomers of the F4A.
Various exhibitions, stands and workshops were held: a round table “Does Planet B exist?”; the creation of paper celestial globes.
Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA, UC-CSIC) activities

During the Science Week held in Spain from 8 to 21 November, IFCA scientists belonging to the XMM2ATHENA project have carried out several talks and games about the Solar System, Black Holes, the Universe and X-rays and X-ray galaxies, aimed at students of Primary, ESO, High School, or Vocational Training.
You can see the pictures of the talks in our Gallery.