Discover XMM2Athena project

EU H2020 project: April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2024

Discover XMM2Athena project

To celebrate the three years of the project we have produced a video where you can find an overview of the different work packages, consortium members and materials produced.You can access the video through the link below, or directly on YouTube, by searching for XMM2Athena:

Title: 11th of February 2024: Winner of the Women Astronomer Infographic Contest

The result of the Women Astronomer Infographic contest to celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women in Science is out! The contest aimed to showcase the invaluable contributions of women astronomers through engaging infographics. This initiative is a collaborative effort between the EU H2020 XMM2ATHENA project, the Athena Community Office, the X-IFU and WFI…
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11th of February 2024: Women Astronomer Infographic Contest

In alignment with our commitment to celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, we launch a call to highlight the invaluable contributions of women astronomers, through the design of engaging infographics, created with the assistance of generative AI tools. We encourage creativity and inclusivity while maintaining a respectful and professional environment. This…
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II Edition of the International Master Classes in Astrophysics

This year, framed in the Science Week, the II Edition of the International Master Classes in Astrophysics will be held in collaboration with the Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) and the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) of Toulouse (France). The event will be held on 30 November 2023 from 9:30 to…
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Welcome to Zhu Liu

Zhu is a postdoc working at Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE). He will be working on Work Package 5 on X-ray transients objects. [16 November 2023]

Welcome to Norman Khan

Norman is a postdoc working at IRAP, Toulouse. He will be working on Work Package 5: Variability with the goal of testing the feasibility of detecting faint X-ray transients in Athena simulations for both the WFI and X-IFU. [15 November 2023]

XMM SED Finder

[10 November 2023] We release a new service which allows people to retrieve SEDs for both pointed and stacked sources. SEDs are delivered as tarballs containing the FITS files and the plots. Sources must be selected by SRC_ID only. The main purpose of the service is to be invoked from a peer software such as…
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Workshop: XMM-Newton survey legacy for Athena and beyond

Toulouse 26-29th February. This workshop will cover a number of topics that are important to legacy missions including catalogues, source detection, source classification and machine learning techniques, time domain astronomy and other tools for exploiting large datasets. There will also be some discussion on citizen science and outreach in general. It will be the chance…
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Participation in the science party (Fête de la Science) at IRAP: conferences and scientific events for the public

[9 October 2023] On 13 and 14 October, as part of the Fête de la Science, the IRAP is organising its Open Days, which will take place in two stages: Friday 13 October is being organised in collaboration with the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées and will be dedicated to welcoming schoolchildren. After an introduction by the Observatory’s…
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The results of the X-ray astronomy contest are out!

[3 October 2023] European Researchers’ Night 2023 During the last week of September, the international contest to learn about X-ray astronomy using the Quizizz platform has allowed the general public to know aspects of the following projects: the XMM2Athena project, the Athena Community Office, the Athena/X-IFU and Athena/WFI instruments consortia, and the AHEAD2020 project. Thirty-three…
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