Category: Start

EU H2020 project: April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2024

Athena School Announcement

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the Athena School: “The Universe in the era of spatially resolved, high-resolution, X-ray spectroscopy”. This CNRS thematic school will be held from the 20th to the 24th of June 2022 in Toulouse, France. It is open to the whole French astronomical community, regardless of prior experience…
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AstroSciku contest: and the winner is…!

The result of the AstroSciku contest to celebrate the International Day of Girls and Women in Science is out! This year we presented a joint international initiative of the Athena Community Office, the XMM2ATHENA project, the X-IFU and WFI consortia and the AHEAD2020 project with the aim of showing the contributions of women to science…
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Celebrating 11th of February in the High-Energy Astrophysics community: AstroSciku contest

XMM2Athena is joining the celebrations of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science with the aim of showing the contributions of women to science and in particular to the field of astronomy and astrophysics. This year we present a joint international initiative of the Athena Community Office, the XMM2Athena project,  the X-IFU and…
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Probabilistic classification of X-ray sources applied to Swift-XRT and XMM-Newton catalogs

This work proposes a revisited naive Bayes classification of the X-ray sources in the Swift-XRT and XMM-Newton catalogs into four classes — AGN, stars, X-ray binaries (XRBs) and cataclysmic variables (CVs) — based on their spatial, spectral and timing properties and their multiwavelength counterparts. An outlier measure is used to identify objects of other natures.…
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New interface to acces the XMM-Newton stacked catalogue

Scientists in AIP’s X-ray Astronomy and E-Science jointly launch a new web interface, providing XMM-Newton friends with access to data from which the stacked source catalogues are built. The new service offers lots of information, a query interface for stacks and observations and download options for stacked data including images, coverage and exposure maps. Users…
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XMM-Newton 22nd Anniversary

XMM-Newton was launched by an Ariane 504 on December 10th 1999. It is a space laboratory focused on observing the universe in X-rays  and has been one of the most successful astronomy missions launched by ESA (European Space Agency). It is composed of three telescopes equipped with imaging cameras and spectrometers that operate simultaneously, together…
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Welcome to Jere Kuuttila

New post-doc on XMM2ATHENA, Jere Kuuttila joined the team of Strasbourg on August 1st, under the supervision of Ada Nebot, and will work mainly on work package 2 until July 2023. He will also contribute to work packages 3, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 as part of his team. Welcome in the project!

13-14 October 2021: The 34th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre meeting

The 34th XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre meeting took place on 13 and 14 October, online. The meeting discussed the status of the XMM mission, the instrumentation and the processing software, as well as the latest scientific results produced by the SSC. The XMM2ATHENA project was also part of the agenda due to the common tasks…
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World Space Week: Women in Space (October 4-10)

From 4 to 10 October, the international initiative World Space Week 2021 celebrates “Women in Space”. More than 90 countries will join in this initiative to give visibility to the accomplishments and contributions of women to the space sector and sciences. From our H2020 XMM2ATHENA project we want to also contribute to this celebration with…
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Welcome to Keir Birchall

Welcome to Keir Birchall, who joined the project in early August. During his post-doctorate in Leicester, under the supervision of Michael G. Watson, Keir will work mainly on work package 9 until the end of the project, in March 2024. He will also contribute to work packages 3, 5, 8 and 10 as part of…
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