Category: Start

EU H2020 project: April 1, 2021 to September 30, 2024

11th of February 2023: Crossword contest: how much do you know about women astronomers?

As in previous years, to celebrate the 11th of February we have prepared an international initiative together with  the  Athena Community Office, the Athena/X-IFU and Athena/WFI consortia and the AHEAD2020 project launching a call for a Women Astronomers Crossword contest. This contest is open to anyone who wants to participate.  The crossword will be published…
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Job opportunity

We invite applications for a postdoctoral position at Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory (ObAS) to participate in the EU-funded project H2020 SPACE  XMM2ATHENA. The ObsAS harbours the Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) and is one of the member institutions of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC). The institute is also actively involved in future projects…
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Masterclass of astronomy: classifying galaxies with CLAXSON

On 17 November, as part of the activities of Science Week 2022, the IRAP and IFCA are holding an international event to introduce the CLAXSON tool. It is open to students, who will be able to learn how to use CLAXSON and carry out a classification of galaxies. Agenda of the event: 08:45 Reception at…
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Sharing AHEAD 2022 – Public communication of astrophysics across Europe

SHARING AHEAD 2022 will see leading scientists and science communicators from the EU and around the world present the latest cutting-edge public outreach activities in astronomy and space science. Two days’ conference will cover topics and case studies as diverse as the AHEAD 2020 consortium partners are. The Meeting aims at promoting the public engagement,…
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Welcome to Akke Viitanen

Akke joined the IFCA in October under the supervision of Francisco Carrera. Akke is working in WP4 on the optimization of the wide and deep mosaics. In WP6 he will work on the fits of physically-motivated models to identified sources for D6.3

35th XMM-SSC / XMM2ATHENA consortium meeting

The 35th XMM-SSC / XMM2ATHENA consortium meeting was held in Athens last week. Our researchers presented the progress made in the project. This was the agenda: Time Title of contribution Name —————————————————————————- Chairperson : Axel Schwope 10:30 Welcome Natalie Webb 10:45 XMM-Newton mission status Maria Santos-Lleo 11:10 SAS status and development Aitor Ibarra 11:40 Pipeline…
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Participation in the science party at IRAP: lecture by Natalie Webb, “Searching for black holes”

On Saturday 15 October, IRAP, together with the Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, organised its open house as part of the fête de la science. This event was aimed at the general public and the objective was to discover IRAP’s themes and projects, but also to encourage young people to become scientists. The day’s programme included workshops, visits…
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“Planets through different eyes”: A joint Athens-Santander night

AHEAD2020 in collaboration with the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) in Greece and the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA), a Joint Centre with the combined effort of two institutions, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and University of Cantabria (UC), in Spain organizes an…
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Memes contest: and the winner is……!

The result of the Memes contest to celebrate the European Researchers’ Night is out! We presented a joint international initiative of the Athena Community Office, the XMM2ATHENA project, the X-IFU and WFI consortia and the AHEAD2020 project. We announce here the winners of the contest, and at the end you can find a link to…
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European Researchers’ Night 2022: Memes contest

Following the successful initiatives of AstroScikus and The Black Hole Week, we are preparing a meme contest framed in the European Researcher’s Night. We propose an international initiative launching a call for memes related to X-ray astronomy: instruments, software, observatories, etc. For this event we are teaming up with @AthenaXobs @AthenaXIFU @XMM2Athena @ahead2020 and AthenaWFI. …
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