Out now: new versions of the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogues, 4XMM-DR13 and 4XMM-DR13s

A new version of the XMM-Newton EPIC Serendipitous Source Catalogue, 4XMM-DR13, has been released by the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (XMM-SSC) in collaboration with the SOC. This version includes an extra year of data with respect to 4XMM-DR12. 4XMM-DR13 includes 983948 X-ray detections which relate to 656997 unique X-ray sources from 13243 observations that were public by the 31st December 2022. 4XMM-DR13 covers a total sky area, with at least 1 ks exposure, of 1328 square degrees if overlaps are taken into account, where some regions of the sky have been pointed as many as 90 times. The median positional uncertainty of the catalogue detections is 1.57 arcseconds (with a standard deviation of 1.43). Median fluxes in the catalogue are ~5.2E-15 and ~1.2E-14 erg/cm2/s in the soft (0.2-2 keV) and hard (2-12 keV) X-ray band, respectively.
With the detection catalogue 4XMM-DR13, we release the stacked catalogue 4XMM-DR13s, created from overlapping observations. Some sources have a total of 2.8 Ms of observation. 4XMM-DR13s is built from 1688 groups drawn from 9796 observations. Each group includes between 2 and 372 observations. 4XMM-DR13s contains 401596 sources, of which 310478 have several contributing observations. 4XMM-DR13s reaches a median depth of ~2.5E-15 and ~6.8E-15 erg/cm2/s in the soft (0.2-2 keV) and hard (2-12 keV) X-ray band, respectively. 7333 sources are variable on the long term.
The detection catalogue is described in the paper Webb et al. (2020) and the stacked catalogue is further described in Traulsen et al. (2020). Details of the catalogue, the catalogue files and full 4XMM documentation are available on the XMM-SSC webpages ( http://xmmssc.irap.omp.eu ) at:
More info: http://xmm-ssc.irap.omp.eu/xmm2athena/catalogues/