Job Opportunity

Postdoctoral position at Strasbourg Astronomical Observatory
The Observatory is one of the member institutions of the XMM-Newton Survey Science Centre (SSC) and it also harbours the CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg). The SSC group is also actively involved in future missions such as SVOM and Athena or projets such as XMM2Athena.
Within the SSC consortium Strasbourg is responsible for a data reduction task that extracts multi-wavelength information for all XMM-Newton EPIC sources. In addition, the SSC provides software tools and specific databases inherited from the ARCHES European project which aim at easing the identification of EPIC sources thanks to multi-catalogue probabilistic cross-correlation and associated spectral energy distributions. SSC activities are carried out in close collaboration with CDS.
The successful candidate is expected to participate in all SSC activities and to focus part of his/her research work on the scientific exploitation of the existing multi-wavelength data currently based on the XMM catalogues produced by the SSC.
Scientific interests close to those of the hosting team (X-ray binaries, ULXs, X-ray source populations in Magellanic Clouds and nearby galaxies) would be welcome.
The position is funded by the Université de Strasbourg and by the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) for one year and renewable yearly. Starting date might be as early as July 2023.
Applicants should send a CV, a list of publications, a statement of research interests and contact details of two referees to Dr L. Michel or Dr. Pierre Maggi no later than end of July, 2023.
Informal inquiries can be directed to Dr. L. Michel ( or Dr. P. Maggi ( no later than end of July, 2023.