End-to-end simulations with SIXTE: An online workshop (29-31 March 2022)

The SIXTE team for the end-to-end simulator for ATHENA and other X-ray astronomical missions is happy to announce its next hands-on workshop, following the previous SIXTE workshops in Toulouse (2016), Bamberg (2018), Cambridge, MA (2018), and Santander (2019). Given the pandemic, the workshop will be held online in a combination of Zoom and gather town, at a time that is hopefully at least somewhat accommodating for non-European attendees, from 29-31 March 2022, 13-16UT.
Contents of the workshop include:
- General introduction to SIXTE
- Simulations of observations with the ATHENA WFI and X-IFU
- Example use cases of complex simulations done with SIXTE:
- Deep surveys (Giorgio Lanzuisi, INAF OAS Bologna)
- Galaxy clusters (Sophie Beaumont, IRAP/UMBC)
- Practical sesions on:
- simple point source spectra and light curves
- simulations of extended sources, including aspects of spectro-spatial simulations
- simulations includig dithering and slews either on your computer or using an online-version of SIXTE made available through the JHU scisim
- Discussions of potential simulatios setups based on audience input
The intended audience are graduate students and scientists with a background in X-ray astronomy who are interested in performing simulations for ATHENA or similar observatories. Ther is no cost for attending the workshop, but we are asking that attendees register until 22 March 2022 at:
Organizing committee:
Thomas Dauser (FAU Erlangen Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Christian Kirsch (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Maximilian Lorenz (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Lea Michalski (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Ole Koening (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg))
Joern Wilms (FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg)
Philippe Peille (CNES)
Maite Ceballos (IFCA (CSIC-UC))
Beatriz Cobo (IFCA (CSIC-UC))
Andy Ptka (NASA-GSFC)
Panayiotis Tznavaris (APS/UMBC/CRESST)
Katja Pottschmidt (UMBC/CRESST/NASA-GSFC)