Welcome to Adriana and Angel
We are please to welcome Adriana Pires and Angel Ruiz on the XMM2ATHENA. They joined the project in April and will work on it until the end.
Adriana is working in Potsdam (AIP) with Axel Schwope, on the work package 4 (Enhanced stacked catalogue). She will be in charge of task T4.1 (redesign of software detection) and task T4.4 (test and validation of T1/T3) and of the deliverables D4.1, D4.2 (software and documentation) D4.3, & D4.4 (catalogues). She will also actively contribute to WP3, 5 & 9.
Angel is working in Athens (NOA) on the work package 8 (X-ray source classification), a bit on the work package 6 (Spectra) and is in charge of task T8.4 (determination of photometric redshifts using Machine Learning Algorithms).